Everything You Need to Know to Practice Mindfulness in Ten Minutes
Mindfulness can deliver more inner-peace. It is predicated on a slightly bizarre paradox: are we able to notice ourselves thinking, or is that just another kind of thinking?
Mindfulness can deliver more inner-peace. It is predicated on a slightly bizarre paradox: are we able to notice ourselves thinking, or is that just another kind of thinking?
In times of crisis, it is difficult to hold on to empathy. When faced with death, fear or scarcity, most of us retreat inwards. We put on our own masks first, before helping others. This is true of every situation which threatens to destabilise the normal order of things. And ...
Human beings are naturally drawn to binary thinking. It helps us make sense of the world, which is large, confusing, and ultimately unknowable. Instead, we prefer to believe that, in any given situation, something is either X or Y, with nothing in-between. Never X and Y. This is because the human ...
At first glance, mindfulness and confidence seem to be very different states. Mindfulness is thoughtful, measured and inward-looking, while confidence is breezy, spontaneous and outgoing. How can the former assist the latter? Removing Barriers to confidence One way mindfulness helps is by removing our barriers to confidence. Lack of confidence is ...
Clients often express negative thinking, which they imagine to be objectively true, but which are actually not true at all. A classic example is “I could never do that.” As coaches we learn to challenge these, for example by asking, “What would actually happen if you did?” These sorts ...
Three good robust questions about Mindfulness leap to mind. First, what is it? Second, what can it do for me? And third, is it a fad that will soon pass? Taking these one a time… What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is simply living in the ‘now’, being aware of your ...
Philosophy has for thousands of years, asked questions. Who are we? What makes us ‘tick’? What, if anything, can be done about the more painful aspects of human nature, and what is our purpose? So this week I wanted to blog this week on the often-confusing divide between coaching, ...
Can coaches help clients find inner peace? Often coaches are presented with a succession of issues that trouble their client – at work, at home; the list seems to be endless. It’s easy for both coach and client to start believing that there is an underlying ‘big issue’ driving ...
Great for Coaches, HR Specialists or people who simply want to understand other people better!