How to Avoid Self-Sabotage and Binary Thinking

Human beings are naturally drawn to binary thinking. It helps us make sense of the world, which is large, confusing, and ultimately unknowable. Instead, we prefer to believe that, in any given situation, something is either X or Y, with nothing in-between. Never X and Y. This is because the human ...

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The Trouble with Vision

Many people start their journey of NLP and coach training because they are at a ‘cross-roads’ in their life. They are often in a life-transition phase – dealing with big changes, or a lack of purpose – and are looking for some answers. I have found that people often ...

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What Is Your Life Plan?

Most people come to NLP looking for answers. But the biggest question we face is the question of what to do with our lives. Our answers to this are formed in childhood. When we grow up, our specific dreams tend to change, but our aspirations do not. Most of ...

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