Coaching Decisions and the Fear of the Unknown

When coaching, I am always surprised by clients’ beliefs about the unknown. People often obsess about, and make huge efforts to avoid extremely unlikely outcomes. Yet their own past experience tells them that if something has created chaos in their lives, it has not been some huge threat they ...

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Embracing The Many Aspects Of Leadership

Last week I talked about four areas of ability, or ‘capability sets’, needed for successful leadership. These were: Operations (getting things done) Sales (dealing with people) Finance (dealing with money) ‘Pure’ leadership skills such as vision, optimism, decision-making and setting a personal example. Leadership: becoming a master In a ...

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The Four Qualities of Great Leadership

Today I want to look at the four qualities which are key for leadership, qualities that leaders need to bring to their work in each of the four areas: Thinking Sensing (energy) Feeling Vision Thinking is the world of the intellect, rational and dispassionate. Sensing is perhaps the hardest ...

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How to Use Team Coaching in Business

Team coaching is growing increasingly popular. It can be used to facilitate the quick assembly of high-performing teams. It can be used to maintain the performance of existing teams: chemistry can change when individual members leave, or cynicism can develop when teams get ‘stuck’. It is of particular use ...

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Coaching for Inner Peace

Can coaches help clients find inner peace? Often coaches are presented with a succession of issues that trouble their client – at work, at home; the list seems to be endless. It’s easy for both coach and client to start believing that there is an underlying ‘big issue’ driving ...

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How to Coach Someone Who Says They Are ‘Trapped’

The model is particularly useful in testing whether a client has unwittingly trapped themselves in destructive thought patterns. How the Meta Model helps anxiety Clients are often extremely anxious, as if some major disaster is hurtling towards them. The Meta Model is often a great way to reveal the ...

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How to Use Transactional Analysis to Solve Boundary Issues

Transactional Analysis drivers One useful aspect of this material is the Transactional Analysis concept of ‘drivers’. These are very powerful, deeply ingrained subconscious motivations that are picked up in early childhood. TA theorists believe there are five of these: ‘Hurry Up’ ‘Please People’ ‘Be Strong’ ‘Be Different’ ‘Be Perfect’ ...

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The Art of Business Decision Making With NLP

One of the key roles of a coach is to help their client make significant decisions. Decision-making is a subject I’m fascinated by – I’ve written two books on the subject – as the reality is much more complex than most ‘experts’ claim. The decider is perpetually having to ...

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How NLP Can Help You Avoid Burnout

One of the most challenging issues facing organisations today is the preservation of talent – ensuring that senior people keep up their energy and avoid burnout. Talented people don’t just perform roles; they identify with them: “I am a manager, a leader, an accountant, a designer”. Jobs as identity Their ...

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Do You Need to Be Liked as a Coach?

I’ve just completed our 3 day How to Coach with NLP, TA and Mindfulness course, during which some interesting discussions took place about using coaching skills in the workplace. One topic that came up was the question of coaches wanting to be liked. Isn’t that an essential part of ...

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What I’ve Learned From Teaching NLP

The learning never stops Last week I spent some time with one of the people behind NLP, Stephen Gilligan, a man who worked closely with one of the great founders of the subject, Milton Erickson. You always learn when working with people like this. The reason for our contact ...

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Can NLP Build Self Confidence?

Confidence is a strange, ephemeral concept. We all want more of it or worry about not having enough of it – but what is it, exactly? NLP has a range of techniques to help us find out, and to boost what we find. How to regain self confidence The ...

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How NLP Helps HR Managers in the Workplace

NLP is full of techniques to use in the workplace, especially if one has managerial responsibility or is working as a consultant or HR professional. Modern management is largely about winning people round to your point of view. The old ‘command and control’ model taught on managers training courses ...

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How NLP Can Help You With Anxiety

There seems to be a lot of anxiety around. The fashionable remedy for it is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which has become ‘official’ – you can get it on the NHS. CBT has been proven to deliver results, but I believe NLP offers both a tool that is just ...

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How I Became an NLP Coach

As an expert NLP trainer, there’s one question that I’m often asked: “How do you become an NLP coach?” To which I say, everyone’s journey is different. But here’s my story I started out on a journey of personal discovery after finding myself stressed by running a business. This ...

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Self-Hypnosis: Can You Hypnotise Yourself?

Hypnosis is often seen as something done by an ‘expert’ to a ‘patient’. And, of course, this is often the case. Hypnotherapy has an excellent success rate in dealing with problems ranging from anxiety to giving up smoking. Hypnosis is a part of modern life In my view we ...

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How Will NLP Help With My CV?

An NLP qualification looks good on a CV. No, it’s not an MBA from Harvard Business School, but it’s all part of showing yourself off to your best. To start with, it makes a clear statement that you take the business of developing yourself seriously. It sends out the ...

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In Defence of NLP: Is It Real or Rubbish?

I’ve been ‘into’ NLP for fifteen years, during which time I’ve studied with most of its leading practitioners, taught the subject to thousands of people and used it to change my life, so I’m unlikely to answer “yes, NLP is rubbish!” However I (and other members of the NLP ...

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Can NLP Really Help You Quit Smoking?

The one-word answer to this question is ‘yes’. I’ve helped a number of clients to do this, some of whom have been heavy smokers. Using Robert Dilts’ model of the Logical Levels, we can look at smoking and the various ways it exerts a hold on the psyche. The ...

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The Truth About Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has a bad reputation. We’ve seen the old movies where a sinister Svengali-like figure, probably in a cloak, hypnotizes the heroine or hero in order to further their evil plans. The notion is tied up with deceit, manipulation, seizing control from innocent people and abusing the power. Up ...

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When NLP Isn’t the Answer

There’s always something special about the first day of an NLP Practitioner course. Many people are a little scared – but fear and excitement are close cousins. Beneath that fear is a deep hope, that NLP will help them along their life journeys. Maybe some delegates are dealing with ...

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How Do You Know When Your Career Has Stalled?

We’re sold the story as kids: the working world offers us a career, which means a series of steps up a nice, clear ladder. Each step will bring more responsibility, more learning, a broadening of our horizons until, at the top, we can serenely gaze out over the world ...

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Which NLP Course is For You?

At NLP School, we run a range of seminars, workshops and events based on NLP, the ‘art of modelling excellence.’ NLP Taster Day Are you curious about NLP?  Our NLP Taster Day in Central London is created for people who like a no nonsense approach. Over the course of a working ...

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