Can NLP Really Help You Quit Smoking?

The one-word answer to this question is ‘yes’. I’ve helped a number of clients to do this, some of whom have been heavy smokers. Using Robert Dilts’ model of the Logical Levels, we can look at smoking and the various ways it exerts a hold on the psyche. The ...

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The Truth About Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has a bad reputation. We’ve seen the old movies where a sinister Svengali-like figure, probably in a cloak, hypnotizes the heroine or hero in order to further their evil plans. The notion is tied up with deceit, manipulation, seizing control from innocent people and abusing the power. Up ...

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When NLP Isn’t the Answer

There’s always something special about the first day of an NLP Practitioner course. Many people are a little scared – but fear and excitement are close cousins. Beneath that fear is a deep hope, that NLP will help them along their life journeys. Maybe some delegates are dealing with ...

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How Do You Know When Your Career Has Stalled?

We’re sold the story as kids: the working world offers us a career, which means a series of steps up a nice, clear ladder. Each step will bring more responsibility, more learning, a broadening of our horizons until, at the top, we can serenely gaze out over the world ...

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Which NLP Course is For You?

At NLP School, we run a range of seminars, workshops and events based on NLP, the ‘art of modelling excellence.’ NLP Taster Day Are you curious about NLP?  Our NLP Taster Day in Central London is created for people who like a no nonsense approach. Over the course of a working ...

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The Financial Times on How to Coach With NLP

In The Financial Times, Southon wrote, “Above all, the book shows how an entrepreneur can emerge from the other side of success with their sanity intact, and remaining friends with the people they have worked with along the way.” Coaching skills, or the lack of them, play a big part in ...

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Recruiter Magazine – Could You Be an Executive Coach?

Press pieces continue to appear after the publication of How to Coach with NLP.  Here we talk to Recruiter Magazine about coaching, and what type of person makes a good executive coach.  Curious, empathic, observant and patient, with a knowledge of business and organisations, is NLP School’s Robbie Steinhouse‘s recipe for success. ...

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