This three-day NLP certification will provide you with the tools and understanding to improve your own life and the lives of those around you through NLP. The course also provides an intelligent way to start coaching and for coaches to deepen their skills using powerful change techniques, psychology and personal transformation.
nlp school the art of change
This 3-day NLP certification is designed to strengthen your ability to communicate effectively, either for your own personal knowledge and proficiency, or to gain outstanding results in a coaching environment.
This course will be delivered entirely online and is presented by NLP School founder, director and NLP Master Trainer Robbie Steinhouse.
The course is true to the premise that NLP and coaching share a fundamental purpose: to help people live happier and more fulfilling lives.
If you're looking to learn NLP, become a coach, start learning NLP coaching skills or simply want to undertake some personal development and live a happier life this is the perfect course for you.
This course is also module 1 of our NLP Practitioner training, meaning that should you wish to you can continue your learning and move on to the next level.
Price: £395.00 ex vat
To register, simply click the button above, fill out your details and pay either by invoice or card.
20% discount if booking through a registered charity.
Hypnotherapist and Trainer Phil Dobson, founder of Brainworkshops, tells us his experience of training at NLP School.
For coaches looking to renew ACC, PCC or MCC credentials with the ICF this gives CCEU's.
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.
This Programme has been awarded Continuing Coach Education (CCE) hours and Resource Development hours by the ICF. Graduates will have met the requirements for these CCE hours to be applied to their Continual Professional Development (CPD) log and be used in conjunction with any ICF credential application.
The programme approval process involves a detailed analysis of the quality of the training and trainers in relation to the coaching core competencies. Overall we feel that this demonstrates the quality of our provision and reflects our professional approach to our NLP and Coaching Certifications.
About Your Trainer, Robbie Steinhouse
Robbie Steinhouse is the founder of NLP School and our Head of Training.
He is also a business leader, NLP Master Trainer (one of only very few worldwide), ICF certified professional coach, and published author in the fields of business and personal development.
Robbie started his career over 30 years ago and gradually built up his niche property business to become one of the largest in the sector, at its peak employing over 60 people.
In the late 90's, whilst being on the surface very successful, Robbie found himself undergoing a search for a more fulfilling way of living, he journeyed through many personal development techniques and theories but found that, for him, NLP was the most effective, in particular Coaching with NLP.
He immersed himself in the subject and quickly became a Master Trainer, ultimately giving the day to day running of his companies over to a management team whilst focusing himself almost entirely on coaching and training through NLP School.
During his time as Director and later Chairman of his group of companies, he instilled a coaching culture across the directorial and management teams with great success. It is this knowledge of how NLP and coaching can be practically applied both in business and personally, along with his engaging and humorous style that makes him such a sought after trainer.
You can read more about Robbie and see videos and press interviews here.
Course Overview
NLP - what is it and how it began, the background vision and ethos and where NLP is now.
Coaching - what it is (and what it isn’t), how it informally began in the 1970’s and has since blossomed into a major business and personal development tool, we cover how to professionalise your practice and how coaching fits with NLP.
Transactional Analysis (TA) - as created by Eric Berne, we cover the basics of this revolutionary tool for understanding human communication and go further into it as the course develops.
Mindfulness - its background and what is it, where and how it might have begun and what are the benefits of mindfulness, we thread mindfulness practice and state management throughout the course.
What is Coaching? Broadly speaking Coaching is about facilitating someone else’s thinking and helping them learn “on the job” so that they can continue to grow and learn afterward. We consider that all of the principles, tools and techniques described below are essential tools for coaches to understand and have at their disposal.
On this course coaching is taught experientially, we will help you set the coaching frame and you will get to practice each technique as both the client and the coach. We believe that this is the best way to learn the techniques and, more importantly, make them stick.
Rapport and influence – The OED defines rapport as “A close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other’s feelings or ideas and communicate well”. Relationships are vital to real success in any field and are doubly so for working in a coaching context. Trust and understanding are essential for coaching to be successful. We teach active listening (as oppose to listening waiting to speak) and cover the use of language both verbal and non-verbal and how it can be used to both influence and understand the personalities, motivations and life approaches of individuals within the team.
Core coaching competencies – Good coaching is supported by basic principles and best practice, such as powerful (non-judgemental) questioning, direct communication and meeting ethical guidelines. Coaching is a skill that is increasingly valued within the workplace because it avoids the hazards of authoritarian or micromanagement, and helps individuals flourish in their skills, satisfaction and productivity. You don’t need to be a ‘coach’ to coach, the ideas and methods can be used equally by teachers, parents, friends and managers.
The Meta Model – This is the original model of NLP, containing a distillation of the wisdom and practice of two of the world’s greatest therapists, Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir. It is a way of examining language for signs of false, limiting, negative and hurtful thinking, and of challenging and changing such thinking. Think of it as supercharged Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Goals and outcomes – Part of effective management and coaching (and daily life)! is about planning and goal setting. If a goal is not congruent then the chances of it being reached are lessened. We teach NLP’s Well-Formed Outcome process which gives a series of principles to maximise the likelihood of a goal’s success and can neutralise the most common mistakes. The process is scalable, from small decisions to major projects, and adaptable so that you can easily do it informally.
The Logical Levels - Values and Motivation Have you ever had someone on your team who you found difficult to manage? Intelligent questions can unlock a person’s value system, people are reluctant to act against their values and keen to contribute if their values are met. We give keys to a simple process you can use to unlock people’s enthusiasm. You can apply the ideas easily into a normal conversation or make them part of a formal process. Either way, this works powerfully in goal planning, negotiations and relationship or team building.
Perceptual Positions - A necessary part of management is helping members of your team gain perspective. From NLP, Perceptual Positions is a powerful model you can apply to improve difficult working or other relationships with individuals and in groups. This tool is widely used in conflict resolution and negotiation and is superbly effective, it allows the user to step confidently and assertively into each of three different perspectives rather than simply entrenching into their own position.
Attention training – Every day we will present exercises to develop focussed attention, which you can apply in all kinds of work and life situations. These exercises are also valuable as a means of relieving stress.
Pacing and Leading – Good coaching and communication is necessarily about understanding and harnessing the power of timing. We teach methods to gently guide your client into a state where they are open to learning.
Calibration – This is a tool for developing a deep understanding of others which you can use again and again in more advanced NLP and Coaching practice – and in everyday life.
“Robbie is one of most natural trainers I have ever met – he guides you through your resistances and enables you to connect with that wonderful resource – you –I cannot recommend Robbie and the NLP School highly enough be it that you want to be a coach to others – coach to yourself or just give yourself the tools to be happier – enjoy!” –
Steve Robson, CEO of Brumby Media Group
“(What can I use at work) … not falling into the “games” trap of internal politics and to improve my communications with my colleagues and find strategies to improve my creativity”.
Jeremy M.
“In my work I can use NLP for coaching, one to ones, personal organisation, chunking up/chunking down, communication styles, building rapport and lots more”.
Patrick Peters, Supplier Development Leader, Rolls Royce
“In my opinion, you are the best. I gained so much personally from training with you and your associates. I had thought that it was all for work, but it ended up being more for my personal growth”!
Director Advertising Agency
Fees and Application
£395.00 ex vat
Register directly here or use the button near the top of the page.