Designed for those looking to advance their knowledge and skill in NLP and Coaching. Also suitable for anyone wanting to learn deep change techniques.
nlp school the art of change
“Course is excellent – literally changed my life as thinking about things so differently”.
UK HR Director
Designed and presented by NLP School founder, Robbie Steinhouse, this course will teach advanced NLP techniques combined with coaching tools and theories from Transactional Analysis.
Uniquely part of this course also includes a leadership development tool combining the intellectual rigours of business psychology with the seasoned experience of the business world.
- Gain insight into your own (and others) Leadership strengths and what can be improved.
- Advanced NLP tools to discover your own identity and purpose and define your life goals.
- Understand your own life script and learn how to change or improve it
What makes this course different from other Advanced Coaching courses? Robbie explains in the video below:
Why Attend?
The following question is common amongst our course participants and was also a real issue for me:
“As the success in my career develops, I am finding the demands on me are becoming increasingly difficult. I feel stressed and worry that if this continues, it will not be sustainable.”
Twenty years ago, my own story was that of a successful entrepreneur finding it very hard to balance success and happiness - the so called ‘work life balance’ eluded me. I began an insatiable journey to find the answer: I took numerous courses from 7 Habits, NLP, TA, Yoga, meditation retreats, the Hoffman Process and received various kinds of therapy.
Whilst being beneficial, none of this completely worked for me and I still felt an inner anxiety that never went away, whatever I did or achieved. Until, in 2001, whilst sitting around a pool on holiday, I suddenly had a spontaneous healing moment that transformed my life. I developed this into a change process and began teaching Rescripting in 2002; since that time, I have seen transformations of people who have attended my courses around the world.
Advanced Coaching is built around this technique. It also presents tools and models for discovering your life purpose and values, along with methods to help support people grow into leaders. Although I have always had a bit of a problem with the word ‘leadership’, I can’t think of a better word – we all need to lead our life; if we can find tools to make us happy and successful, as well as those we care for and make a positive difference in the world, then great, but how?
I believe that change is both incremental and revolutionary. Advanced coaching provides the tools and methods to provide lasting change. It also provides a lasting tool kit for you to dip into, whenever future challenges appear so you can become your own coach and transition out of future problems you may face.
Many busy people will say that three days is too long to take out of their schedule. All I can say, is that my time around that swimming pool enabled me to achieve far more than I possibly imagined – but what I value as my greatest achievement is that I have a sense of inner peace.
Course Overview
The Leadership Matrix
Drawing from Robbie's 30 years setting up and running successful businesses, he originally set out to create a developmental tool that combines the intellectual rigours of business psychology with the seasoned experience of the commercial world. He uses archetypes to explain the capability sets of the many business functions, all of which present different intellectual, emotional and personal challenges. What are the benefits to you? In one day you can learn the tools and tips that took Robbie 30 years!
The Six Parallels:
An exercise based on the Logical Levels, originally designed for entrepreneurs but now expanded to contrast anyone’s personal and collective worlds.
NLP is about “the structure of subjective experience”. An important part of that experience is time. How do we represent the passage of time to ourselves, how do your clients experience the passage of time?
Many psychological models are based on the notion that our personality is made up of different parts. When these parts are at war, anguish results.
We will cover Parts integration. You will often find that you or your clients are incongruent over an issue e.g. “I hate my boss but I must be nice to her or I will get the sack” This uneasy mix of the two parts needs to be resolved. Being in this state of being pulled in two different directions by two different sub personalities is called being simultaneously incongruent.
We also cover Six step re-framing; this process argues that a given behaviour is carried out by a part of the person. With problem behaviours it is likely that the part responsible will have poor communication with the rest of the person, the success of this technique depends on re- entering communication with that part and establishing its positive intention.
We go deeper into Transactional Analysis (TA) and cover:
Integration and Decontamination:
The aim is to produce the Integrated Adult possessing Ethos (a set of values) and Pathos (the ability to empathise with other human beings).
Script, Games, Drama and Life Positions:
Eric Berne (the creator of TA) believed that we spend much of our lives acting out a story about ourselves that we have “written” at an early age (probably around 5 or 6) If we all wrote positive stores the world would be a much happier place. Sadly not all of us do. Some individuals write “winning” scripts where they get love just by being themselves, others are sent destructive messages about what they must do to get love, for example,
“You can’t do that, let me do that for you”
“Get lost”
“Go play on the motorway”
First expressed by Berne in his famous book “Games People Play”. Have you ever been roped into a game? Games scripts include:” I’m okay you’re not okay”. “See what you made me do”. “Don’t worry I’ll take care of you”.
We help you to spot when you have been caught up in a game and how to understand what could be going on. Games can often occur in coaching and it is very important to observe if the client is engaging in a game.
The Drama Triangle:
Again part of games in Transactional Analysis and famously identified by Berne. Games often operate via this mechanism and people are described as being “on the triangle” if they are acting out one of three roles: Persecutor, Rescuer or Victim. Watch out for people who habitually take up these roles, and at the same time understand that everyone falls into these traps from time to time, and that everyone includes you!
A transformational process based on TA and tools from NLP. Berne believed that life scripts are created in childhood. The process invites you to explore the identities, roles and beliefs that make up your current life scripts. Discover what your script is. Is it a winner script, a banal script or a loser script? How can you (or your client) find a new, better one that fits with who you are now?
Re-scripting continued:
Close the show and put a whole new show on the road.
Archetypes and their energies:
Including Stephen Gilligan’s Strength, Softness and Playfulness. We will also cover Gilligan’s three minds, the Cognitive Mind, the Somatic Mind and the Field Mind.
Advanced time & energy management:
The key to time management is to efficiently capture necessary activities without having the “need” to respond to everything immediately. The ability to let your mind relax and be truly spontaneous and present provides the refreshment that your system needs from living a busy life. It gives you the energy to be both productive and happy.
Being good to yourself:
Including keeping promises to yourself, investing in yourself, NLP yourself, and discover your mission.
“I can honestly say this programme was completely transformational to my work and to my practice especially in how I now prepare for client work – both my coaching and supervision client work – the course has been a thoroughly wonderful experience from start to finish”
Independent Coach
"Absolutely first class training and venue. My life has been transformed and during that process I was supported and welcomed with warmth and respect. Outstanding!"
Nigel Dyer
"I have recently completed the three modules of the NLP practitioner training with Robbie Steinhouse and NLP school. It was a very well delivered course, packed with theory and information, backed up with techniques and tools, live demonstrations, practice and feedback and a thorough assessment at the end of the final module. I have so many more coaching tools now, and a much better understanding of the way people are programmed, how to read the programmes as they run in front of me, so that I can build rapport and better understand people so that I can help them to recognise unhelpful patterns and to change their responses. As I learned I also had many insights about myself. Brilliant! I recommend it as a thoroughly worthwhile experience."
Elisha Darcie
This course is accredited with the ICF and gives 19.5 CCEU's for Coaches renewing their ACC, PCC or MCC accreditation.